
“Well that was fast, God!”

Simple Doesn’t Always Mean Easy

Patience Is a Virtue…That Most People Don’t Seem to Want!

Childhood Memories: What Are You Filling Your Box with?

Bigger Is Better?!? I Guess That Depends!

If You’re Waiting for a Sign…

Happy Thanksgiving! Today I’m thankful we get to enjoy the life God has planned for us instead of having to try to be someone else

Thanksgiving Part 4: What’s in a name? I’m thankful for my family, for who I am as a Lundy and who I am as a child of God!

Thanksgiving Part 3: I’m thankful for a never-ending source of strength!

Thanksgiving Part 2: I’m thankful for our country and especially for our eternal home in heaven!

Thanksgiving Part 1: I’m thankful that the Bible has a lot to say for our lives…even when our lives make it difficult to find time to read it!

Watch It Spread!

Hide It Under a Bushel? NO! I’m Gonna Let It Shine!

Interesting but Useless?

Who’s Carrying the Load?

Look What Happens When You Put Some Heart Back into It!