If You’re Waiting for a Sign…

chicks at Rural King with a KENT sign (and that happens to be my first name!)

We went to PA for Thanksgiving with my family and went to a Rural King. Great store (even better than Tractor Supply!). I was surprised that they have chicks in stock right now. I sent this to Jen and said “Apparently it’s a sign that I need more chicks! 😏😬” We’ll hold off until spring, but my name in giant letters did seem like a pretty good sign! 

If you’re waiting for a sign to make a decision for Jesus, the wait is over! This picture was funny and ironic, but sometimes we have plenty of clear signs and real evidence. But it’s up to is to respond. 

In Luke 11:30, Jesus says, “For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.” Jonah (Jonas) spent 3 days and nights in the belly of the whale and then figuratively rose again and preached to Nineveh. Notice how Jesus says Nineveh responded: “The men of Nineve shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.” (Luke 11:32)

Jonah was raised from the whale, but Jesus was raised to life after dying for our sins. Jonah had a great impact, but Jesus is the greatest of all. If you’re waiting for a sign, there’s no clearer sign that Jesus can give you than His death and resurrection. The historical evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is so strong that it continues to convince skeptics and is a call to salvation and a challenge to each Christian to live out our faith. 

If you’ve never trusted Jesus as your Savior, I hope today’s the day! 

If you’ve drifted (or run) away from God, come back to Him. 

If you haven’t been to church in a while, this Sunday is perfect!

If the dust on your Bible is thicker than some of the books of the Bible, crack it open and read for a while! 

If there’s a decision you know you need to make, don’t put it off. 

Jonah spent three miserable days in a whale before he was willing to obey God. Much better for us to respond and obey based on the sign of Jesus’ resurrection!

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