Fitting in: It’s one of our strongest desires and one of the biggest traps

I don’t think my girls had ever played with one of these, so it was about time! They had fun trying to fit the blocks into the different-shaped holes. Even something as simple as this toy offers a great reminder for us all. 

It’s a bad sign if we fit in everywhere or with everyone. There are places Christians don’t belong going, and there are people we should not allow to influence us. And there are a lot of people who just don’t like Christians…because they just don’t like Jesus. 

In Matthew 10:34 Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.”Jesus wasn’t threatening anyone, but He was describing the division that would come between those who accept Him and those who reject Him. As Christians, we should be as kind, loving, and compassionate as possible to everyone around us, but that won’t always be enough to “keep the peace.”

So maybe you’ve offended someone even though you know you didn’t do anything wrong. Maybe you’ve grown farther apart from some friends as you’ve grown closer to Jesus. It’s ok if we can’t find a place in everyone’s life as long as we have a place in Jesus’ family.

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