Are you for or against Halloween?

I respect those who skip Halloween completely, and I also respect those who enjoy the clean, fun aspects of it. I know of many churches that use the end of October as an outreach opportunity and others who wouldn’t dream of doing so. 

I’m not really here to tell you what to do when October 31 rolls around each year. But the Bible has some clear things to say for our lives all day every day. 

Ephesians 5:11 says, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”

One thing that really frustrates me is when someone will take a strong, condemning stand on one “gray area” such as Halloween but then openly have some of the most ungodly behavior in another area (such as what movies they watch, what music they listen to, or simply how they treat other people…). 

If we convince ourselves that we can stand against darkness on October 31 each year but then let sin easily seep into our lives in other, non-Halloween related ways the other 364 days, I think we’re missing the point. 

Whatever your stance is on Halloween, let’s all shine the light and get rid of darkness (and let’s consistently start that stand in our own lives. I know I’ve got enough in my own life to keep me busy for a while!). 

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