Give it a rest

 Would you rather do planks or push ups? Or neither?!? I’ve heard that planks are one of the best all-around strength exercises you can do, but I’d rather do push ups. At least then my muscles get to work and then rest a moment each time instead of constantly being tensed and strained.

It’s all too easy to live life constantly tensed-up and on-edge. Sometimes we just need to give it a rest and come at the issues we’re facing with some fresh perspective. 

Psalms 3:5-6 says, “I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me. 6 I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about.”

We need to stop trying to squeeze out our “best life now” and rest in what God gives us.  

Take time to give yourself a rest from worry, stress, anxiety, and self dependence. Let God watch over your challenges and get some sleep (or some time with family/friends or some other helpful, stress-free activity). God will watch over all your worries while you give it a rest…and He will continue to watch over you when you come back to “life as usual” as well. 

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