What’s it take to build good buildings, good churches, and good lives?

This stone is from the foundation of the second church building (I think…goes back way before my time here as youth pastor!). Our church has been able to last well over a century and two different locations in multiple buildings, through the Great Depression, covid, and many other ups and downs for one primary reason: It’s always lined up with the ultimate cornerstone Jesus Christ.

Psalms 118:22-24 says, “The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. 23 This is the LORD's doing;it is marvellous in our eyes. 24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Jesus fulfilled this amazing prophecy by allowing Himself to be rejected even though He is the perfect cornerstone, the perfect foundation to build a building, a church, and a life around. Jesus has great things for us every day, and this is the key to seeing and enjoying them. 

Have you come to Jesus as the cornerstone for your eternal hope?

If you have, here’s a quick test to tell if Jesus is the cornerstone of your life as a Christian: Do you decide what you do and then ask Jesus to help you, or do you let Jesus decide what you do and move forward confident that He will be eager to help you?

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