I haven’t spent a lot of time on docks like this one, but I have to admit I have never noticed how they are attached to the supports. Those rollers that allow the dock to easily move up and down along the supports as water rises and falls are amazing! without the rollers, the dock would have intense pressure every storm and tide change. I want that kind of stability and flexibility for my own life as I hit the inevitable ups and downs!
2 Samuel 22:1-2 says, “And David spake unto the LORD the words of this song in the day that the LORD had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul: 2 And he said, The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer;” David went through some big ups and huge downs, and he was able to ride it all out, to survive and even thrive because God was his anchor.
To stay level and stable during the ups and downs of life, we need to be anchored to something strong and unchanging. God really is the One we should choose to anchor our lives to and base our decisions on.
We also need to be flexible, to go with the right flow and move when God moves. I jokingly say that another Beatitude could be something like Blessed are the flexible for they shall not break. And that kind of flexibility is possible when we’re riding out the storms with God holding us together.
Check out more encouragement:To learn how you can begin a relationship with Jesus, check out whatdoUwonder com