What’s your nickname?

The “wood park” isn’t actually the official name of this playground…at least not to anyone outside our family! That’s the only name my girls know it by, and it does live up to that nickname. Do you have a nickname? If so, do you like it??? Anyone have one they’re OK with a best friend using but nobody else?!? True or false, fun or embarrassing, many of us have at least one nickname. 

What if we were known by whatever nickname described us best? Would that be a good thing, or kinda terrifying? Romans 14:16 says, “Let not then your good be evil spoken of:” I hope we all want to be known for our relationship with Jesus, but that’s probably not always what stands out about us the most. Let’s not do something good (like following Jesus) in a wrong way (like focusing more on your WANTS than the genuine NEEDS of others).

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