Is God Trying to Hold You Back from Real Happiness or Help You Truly Find It?

There are several things I have to admit about this picture: First, I didn’t realize the dogs were there! Second, while I do have to tell the girls no sometimes and “hold them back” from doing certain things, this pic was staged. I definitely let them jump on the trampoline (although I did NOT join them Monday as they jumped while a hose sprayed cold well water on them!🥶).

I never want to deny my daughters anything good, but I’m not perfect and get grumpy sometimes. But God is perfect and never says no without something better in mind for His children.  Psalms 84:11 tells us “no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.”

It’s easy to think rules and religion are ruining our fun, holding us back from real joy, but Solomon, with amazing wisdom, wealth, and power, had to realize it’s the opposite. 

Ecclesiastes 2:10-11 says, “And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour. 11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.” Solomon had to learn that “God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.” (Ecclesiastes 2:26). 

Instead of resenting when God tells us no or holds us back from doing something we wanna do, let’s live to make God happy and enjoy the even better things He chooses for us. 

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