Who’s got the best feet? Can you tell whose feet are whose? Definitively no nail polish on mine, and maybe a couple other hints there as well (man, my feet are REALLY white!)
Feet are often dirty and gross, and yet washing feet is exactly how Jesus illustrated the loving, humble way we should serve people around us…even when their lives are kinda dirty and gross!
John 13:5 says, “After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.” Jesus deserved honor and recognition but still humbly washed the feet of the undeserving disciples.
What do you do when no one seems to recognize the value of what you’re doing? You keep washing feet like Jesus did for each of those disciples even though they failed to realize He was about to die on the cross for us all.
How can we love like Jesus when someone stabs us in the back? We keep washing feet like Jesus did for Judas who had already decided to betray Him.
How can we make a difference in this dark and sinful world? Keep washing feet like Jesus did for Peter who was about to deny Him.
We have a right and even a necessity to stand up for ourselves sometimes, but we should always have the humility Jesus showed while washing His sinful disciples’ stinky feet.
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