Who Will Step Up?

Who Will Step Up?

We never know how far our example is reaching. It’s amazing and kinda scary when my daughters act just like me! Definitely challenges me to step up and lead them well. 

We need each Christian to step up and lead. Maybe you’re in a leadership position, or maybe you’re more in the background, working “behind the scenes.” Either way, we can all step up, live out our faith in everyday life, and help others go the right way. 

Judges 17:6 says, “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” Each person should’ve stepped up to do what’s right in God’s eyes and to help others do the same. Moses did that. Joshua did that. Then no one did that. Parents should’ve led children. Friends should’ve been a Godly example to friends. Leaders should’ve come from every part of society to challenge and encourage others to do right. But sadly, during most of that point in Israel’s history, no one stepped up. 

There are people all around us who need an encouraging word, an example to follow, and someone to simply come alongside them and show them the right way to go. Will you step up today? 

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