Less Is More (at Least It Can Be)
I think my knife-shaping career is off to a pretty good start! I mean, all you gotta do is get rid of the extra metal that’s in the way of an amazing blade! It was actually my very talented friend Joel at Tilley Custom Knives who made the blade on the right, but when I got that used Leatherman on the left and realized it had a broken blade tip, I was able to sharpen it enough to fix it (even Joel said I did a good job!). Whether you’re making a custom blade or just sharpening one, you gotta get rid of some metal to make the rest better, and there are times we all need to be willing to let go of some things to improve and grow.
In the Bible, Ruth saw first-hand how sacrificing comfort and control can lead to better things. You can read the whole story in this short book, but Ruth’s husband and father-in-law died, and her mother-in-law was heading back to Israel…alone. Ruth was willing to sacrifice and the right way. Ruth 1:16 says, “And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:”
Ruth gave up everything she knew but gained relationships beyond her wildest dreams. She found a loving husband and a forever relationship with God. She left her family and became a part of Jesus’ family (both spiritually and humanly).
Whether it’s a knife or a life, there’s a big difference between the master and an amateur doing the shaping. If there’s anything God wants you to give up for Him, hurry up and do it. You never know what you’re missing out on until you do.
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