What’s Growing?


We planted these apple trees 2 years ago, and it’s been amazing to see how each has grown…very differently! The tall one is doing a great job of getting bigger but produces almost no apples. The shorter one is covered with apples even though it’s not as big of a tree. I’ll take a smaller tree that produces more fruit any day! All growth is not the same, and even in our own lives all growth is not good growth.

Psalms 127:1 says, “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” What are you building toward? What are your goals? What’s growing in your life? If it’s only your bank account or trophy case, you’re missing out. If God is not the One directing you and leading your growth, it’ll be ultimately empty. It’s much better to let God develop and grow us in the ways that will ultimately “bear fruit” that lasts. 

It’s possible to be a success and a failure at the same time: to succeed at our own goals but fail at what God has for us. We can get what we’re working toward but accomplish nothing of lasting value if we’re not careful. Let’s make sure the right things are growing in our lives today. 

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