How to Deal with Stuff You Don’t Know How to Deal with

Sometimes bad news or tough times overwhelm us, and we simply don’t know how to handle it. There’s a great reminder from this science experiment: The ping pong ball stays in the air as long as it’s in the flow from the hair dryer, and you and I can keep going as long as we stay connected to God and let Him lift us up when we’re down. We’ll never fall as long as He’s got us! Jude 1:24 says, “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.” If Jesus is your Savior, He’s never letting you go for all eternity. Let’s let Him hold us up throughout each day as well. 

Some of the best advice I’ve ever heard for going through life’s unexpected twists and turns is to h.a.l.t. Sometimes we simply need to stop when we’re hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (or overwhelmed in general!). We can pause and spend time with God, connecting with the One Who is able to hold us up.

How do we deal with stuff that we don’t know how to deal with? Never alone, always with God. Never in our own strength but always relying on His! Addison was amazed that when she moved the blow dryer from side to side, the ball stayed with it! That’s the secret: stay with our source of power!

Check out more science fun: Are You Thirsty?

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