Some Gifts Can only Come from Dad

I love my Dad! Jen says when I’m with my Dad, he and I kinda speak our own math/science language. I am proud to say that I am a lot like my dad, just maybe not when it comes to his ties!!! 😏 Full disclosure though: I bought him that tie! Dads definitely give better gifts than they often get! 

2 of the greatest gifts my Dad has ever given me: 1. I’ve never had to wonder if I was good enough for him, and 2. While always loving me and always supporting me, he has always helped me become a better person.

Maybe my dad sounds just as loving and encouraging as your dad, or maybe today’s tough because you only have memories left of your dad. Maybe you’ve always wanted a great relationship with your dad but it hasn’t happened no matter how hard you’ve tried. No matter what your relationship with your dad looks like, our loving Heavenly Father gives gifts even better than any earthly dad can.

I’ve never doubted my Dad’s love for me, and our Heavenly Father’s love is on display no matter how many people reject Him. Romans 5:8 says, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Since we couldn’t get to Heaven on our own, God came to earth to make a way. There’s nothing we could do to make Him love us more, and there’s nothing we can do that would make Him love us less. If you’ve never begun a relationship with Him, Father’s Day is a perfect opportunity! 

Just like my Dad has worked hard to help me become a better person, our Heavenly Father goes to great lengths to help us as well. Proverbs 3:12 says, “For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.” My dad corrected me for my good, and God does the same. God loves us too much to let us stay where we are without growing. 

I hope everyone can celebrate dad today, and I’m thankful we can all enjoy the love of our Heavenly Father every day as well. 

Check out "When Jesus Does Something Awesome, Are You Amused, Amazed, or Skeptical?" for a fun post I got to do with my daughter.

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