Is It a 6 or a 9?

Feel free to vote which number you think Addison wrote! I gave her the choice to write whichever of those two numbers she wanted, and the winner is…a 6! Maybe to it looks more like a 9, but in the end it’s a 6 because Addison’s the one who made it, and she decided to make a 6. I could call it a 9, but it would still be a 6 because it’s not up to me. 

Psalms 100:3 says, “Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” Our job is to follow the One Who made us. It might sound kinda strange to think about God as a Shepherd and His followers as sheep, but it’s a beautiful picture. Sheep can trust their shepherd. There’s safety with the shepherd, and the shepherd takes care of the sheep, meeting their every need. Sheep get into danger when they go their own way, thinking they know better than the shepherd. 

It’s easy to go through life evaluating which parts of the Bible we approve of, which rules and principles we think are good and worth following. But everything God does is good, and everything He tells us to do or not do is exactly what we should follow…because He made us and He always knows what’s best.

The number in that picture is a 6 because Addison made it a 6, and what God has said in the Bible about His creation is right and good, what’s best, because He’s the One powerful enough to create everything and perfect enough to always lead us the right way. We can argue or go our own way, but it won’t change the truth: following the Good Shepherd is always best. 

We won't always understand everything God does or everything He has said, but we can always trust His heart. If you'd like to read a little more encouragement on this, check out When Jesus Does Something Awesome, Are You Amused, Amazed, or Skeptical?

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