The girls have been WAITING. First, when they got these caterpillars, they waited for them to FINALLY turn into chrysalises, and now they are waiting while not much happens. They are enjoying watching the process, but they are also excited that the story isn’t over. Butterflies are coming even though nothing seems to be happening right now.
After Jesus was crucified, He was buried; Matthew 27:59-60 says, “And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, 60 And laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed.” And then things were quiet. It sure seemed hopeless. But Jesus’ story wasn’t over, and neither is yours.
Here are some thoughts I first shared a few years ago that I hope will be an encouragement to you:
Saturday. Jesus is in the tomb. Satan thought he’d won because he just killed Jesus. I’m sure many people thought that Jesus was forever defeated.
But Satan had actually just witnessed the ultimate, eternal blow to his power. He just needed another day to realize it.
Satan knew he’d lost by Sunday. How many times do we lose hope on our own “Saturdays,” thinking that Satan has won, that he has defeated us; but God is working out His master plan? How many times do we think we can’t recover, that we can’t keep going during difficult and even devastating Saturdays, but God’s solution is only days or even short moments away? We’ve all had silent, seemingly-hopeless Saturdays. Don’t give up: Sunday is coming!
Read more aboutencouragement during "hopeless" times.
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