If You Point a Finger at Someone, There’s More Fingers Pointing Back at You! How to Stop Blaming and Start Growing
Blame: seems like an easy way out but really is a dead end. You ever point your finger at someone and blame them for something? Ever do that for something that turned out to be totally YOUR fault?!? I’ve had to go back and apologize for times when I’ve blamed someone for something that turned out wasn’t their fault at all. Thankfully the girls were just helping me illustrate what blame often looks like in the picture, but it can be easy for all of us to blame others for our own sin and weaknesses. When we start blaming others for our problems, we stop growing, stop improving, and start making the situation worse instead of better.
It probably shouldn’t surprise us that blame goes all the way back to the first 2 people on earth: Adam and Eve. They disobeyed the one thing God told them not to do by eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When they got caught, they quickly started “pointing fingers” to blame someone else. Genesis 3:12-13 says, “And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. 13 And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.” They made it sound like their sin wasn’t THEIR FAULT…but it was! They each made their own choice to disobey God, and we are each responsible for our own sins as well. As long as we are blaming someone else, we will be in a dead end, but as soon as we are ready to admit what we did, we can come to God for forgiveness and make things better instead of worse.
Here are some ways to tell that you are probably blaming circumstances or other people instead of taking personal responsibility:
If you get defensive when someone criticizes you instead of genuinely looking for ways to grow.
If you blame your past for bad choices you’re making in the present.
If you think your wrong reactions are ok because of what someone else did.
If you constantly make excuses instead of constantly looking to grow and improve.
If you are more focused on who caused the problem instead of how to fix the problem.
Instead of blaming others, we need to remember that the real problem might be at the end of the word: blaME! Let’s take responsibility for our own sin and weaknesses and allow God to help us grow in those areas today.
To learn more about the forgiveness Jesus offers, check out This Post.
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