Brooklyn liked these peanut butter and jelly M&Ms, but the rest of us did NOT!
I’m ok with trying new flavors but the best part of an M&M is just that…the M&M!
Matthew 16:1 says, “The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.”
It’s a convicting thought that we often find whatever we are looking for when we come to Jesus because the attitude of our heart determines what we are willing to see.
The best part was Jesus, the love and hope and truth and salvation that only He could offer. And yet they still just wanted to find support for their doubts.
It’s a big step to trust Jesus for salvation, but it’s the best step.
And it’s a big step to trust Jesus for the situations of our lives, but it’s the right choice.
Doubts can creep in anytime. We may be tempted to “mix in” a little of our own wisdom or some advice from some friends even if it goes against the Bible, but Jesus is the best part. Let’s never miss out on Him.