B is having a blast with her school’s spirit week! Today was senior day (if you can’t tellš¤£). Make her look older and you can hardly recognize her.
Sadly some people try to change Jesus and His message so much it’s difficult to even recognize Him.
Matthew 12:14-16 says, “Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him. 15 But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all; 16 And charged them that they should not make him known:”
Why not encourage them to tell everyone? After all that’s what He did in the Great Commission, and that’s a big part of our job as Jesus-followers.
The difference was what they’d be telling people about Him. Jesus didn’t want people to come to Him just for a miracle that would last the rest of their lives. He wanted (and still wants) people to come to Him for eternal salvation. He loves people enough to miraculously help us in so many ways, but that’s not all He came for. That’s not all that He is.
If we “water down” Who Jesus is to be just a loving example who came to help us with this life, we’ll miss Who He really is.
He is God. He is Lord. He came to pay the price for our sins. He came to offer salvation, forgiveness, and hope. Have you repented and trusted in Him as your Savior?
If not, consider the real, true Jesus today!