I’m not sure I’m qualified for this!

For almost a year now I’ve had the privilege of being the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. Many times I just don’t feel like I’m qualified. 

And that’s pretty much the point. Maybe for you it’s a different area of life or ministry, but when we don’t feel like we’re cut out for something, like we aren’t good enough, that’s not time to quit if God has called us to it. Those are times to make sure we’re moving forward in God’s strength and ability not our own. 

Psalm 16:8 says, “I have set the LORD always before me: Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”

I love the quote that says, “God doesn’t call the qualifier; He qualified the called.”

If we follow the Lord’s leading and move forward with Him and for Him, our inabilities will never hold back His ability to use us.