No more political signs and billboards!

The election is over and it was refreshing to see something other than politics on that digital billboard today! 

But the Bible talks about one political sign that was definitely completely accurate and maybe actually helpful. 

Matthew‬ ‭27‬:‭37‬ says, “And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.”

When they crucified Jesus and He willingly died to pay for our sins, they placed that sign over Him. 

And they got it right whether they meant to or not.

So why’d the King have to die?

Our King loves us so much that He willingly died to make our forgiveness possible. He rose again and wants to spend eternity with us. 

Yes Jesus is perfectly loving and calls Christians to love. But Jesus is also perfectly righteous and calls us to come to Him for forgiveness and salvation. Then He calls us to live for Him, to glorify Him in all we say and do as His sons and daughters. 

Let’s never forget the awful price of our sin. And let’s never forget the awesome love of our Savior.