Bumps on the road but still works!

I was busy teaching my 7th grade math class this morning when my watch informed me that Jen had been in a car accident. I immediately called her and didn’t get an answer. I did my best to keep going with my class knowing it might be a false alarm. I got a little bit further in my lesson and stepped out to call Jen again and saw her walking down the hall. Turns out her phone had been left on the back of the car and fell off on her way to school. The phone went for a wild ride, but thankfully Jen did not. Some cracks on the back of the phone but it still works (her breakfast bar wasn’t so fortunatešŸ˜³)! 

How do you handle bumps in the road as you go through life? Do you fall apart or accept those things as a part of God’s plan?

Matthew‬ ‭26‬:‭39‬ ‭says, “And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”

Jesus was about to bear the sins of all humanity as He died on the cross. And He willingly submitted to that plan for you and me. 

What if God chooses to allow things to go a different way than we want? What if God’s plan is harder than we expected? What if the election doesn’t go the way you vote? We can either fall apart when bumps come in the road, or we can submit to God and accept those things as part of His plan.