Hard to believe it’s been 13 years already!

Jen and I celebrate our 13th anniversary on Tuesday this week. Those years have been filled with a lot of wonderful memories, but it’s hard to think where the time has gone! Several moves, 2 wonderful daughters, lots of amazing ministry and memories! 

Proverbs 18:22 says, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.” I’ve used that verse in a devotional recently, but it’s worth coming back to again.

The Bible is filled with of so many GOOD things for us to enjoy. Why do we bother pushing for the bad things? 

Why push boundaries or question God when He has so many great things for us? 

Maybe you aren’t married (or maybe you are or have been and it was anything but good). No matter where we find ourselves, we can know that there is good ahead if we keep following God. Our lives won’t all be the same, but they can all be blessed with good things from God. Let’s not settle for what the world can offer us when God has so many good things planned for our lives.