Do you know the odds of randomly rolling a certain number? Depends on which number!

Even a random result will happen once in a while…if the dice get rolled and the result is possible. 

Scientists talk a lot about how a theory can be tested by the predictions it makes.

Charles Darwin predicted we’d find transitional forms halfway evolved between two modern kinds of plants/animals (what we now call missing links—and they’re still missing). He also predicted the biological ability of living organisms to make genetic jumps upward in a molecules-to-man type evolution.

If he’s correct, there should be constant information-adding, new-characteristics-adding, changes/mutations because most of those changes would not drive evolution. Theoretically, over eons those small specific changes could add up…if such changes happen at all. 

The problem (for evolution) is that we don’t see ANY of those changes/mutations happening. Mutations happen, but they result in organisms devolving downward instead of evolving upward. 

So the “dice” that could theoretically line up at times and drive evolution aren’t even rolling, and the random results just aren’t happening.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 says, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

People move away from the truth and seek comfortable lies for a lot of reasons. I believe many reject God as creator because, if He made everything, He owns everything and we answer to Him about everything. Some evolutionists do believe in Jesus and I’m glad they do, but it’s important to hold to the truth, the whole truth, even when it’s uncomfortable or difficult to submit to.