Yes, that’s a paintbrush electric taped to a broom handle! Sometimes you gotta improvise to get a project done. It worked great!
The right thing (in this case a paintbrush) in the wrong place (10 feet away from where I needed to paint) makes a good thing useless, but the right thing in the right place is a help and blessing.
Song of Solomon 2:7 says, “I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, By the roes, and by the hinds of the field, That ye stir not up, nor awake my love, Till he please.”
The same challenge is repeated 2 other times in the Song of Solomon.
I read through most of Song of Solomon this morning. It can seem kinda awkward to read all that IN THE BIBLE, but I don’t think God is as afraid to talk about intimate love as we are. It’s one example of something that’s wonderful IN BOUNDS!
Just like you probably wouldn’t want to use some of the metaphors for love that Song of Solomon does (being compared to a pomegranate might sound a little strange in 2024!), so we shouldn’t ever awake desires for the wrong things or for the right things at the wrong time or in the wrong way.
If you’re married, keep thoughts (and eyes) toward your spouse.
If you’re single, start building a strong marriage before it even starts or build a strong, effective life as a single person (God has amazing plans for single people—it genuinely can be a gift as the Apostle Paul described).
Wrong actions (of any kind) always begin with wrong desires. And if you have a good desire, don’t ruin it by rushing ahead of God’s perfect plan and timing.