
Some things really confuse me! When evolutionists make reconstructions of extinct apes and give them white eyes like humans as opposed to the yellow eyes like apes have, it makes me scratch my head because they definitely didn’t find actual eyes. They slanted the evidence to fit their theory. 

Now there’s this theory that purports to tell us how Neanderthals’ brains worked…when no brain matter has ever been discovered. I get it that those people had skulls with a different shape than most people’s, but their body structure fits with the unfortunate consequences of the disease rickets. And to claim that these people, created in God’s image, were inept cavemen is ridiculous (check out for example the glue they invented to attach their spearheads to handles—that one still has modern scientists stumped!). 

The article does admit that only “some experts interpret the skeletal and archaeological evidence as indicating profound differences.” But to extrapolate such a theory of brain function based on different skull shape seems like more of the all-too-common throwing theories up against the wall and seeing what sticks. 

Romans 1:22 says, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,”

Psalms 14:1 says, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”

Someone said, “He who stands for nothing will fall for anything.” We need more and more people to lovingly stand up against the lies of atheism and evolution, to stand on the evidence and stand for the Creator.