Not where they belong!


With a big field behind us, we’ve been told that we’ll see all sorts of animals nearby. But we didn’t expect to see ducks walking across our front yard! We’ve had a lot of rain lately, but not that much! They need to stay near a pond! And we’ve got dogs that would love to eat them (I mean meet them!). 

Proverbs 22:3 says, “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself:

but the simple pass on, and are punished.”

When we see ourselves getting into danger, we need to change course and get back to where we belong. 

The ducks moved on this morning (after Cleo chased them off!), but a lot of people just stay where they don’t belong and then wonder why trouble comes. 

Let’s not join the world (as in those who reject Jesus) and then wonder why we just can’t seem to stay on track with Jesus. 

And just like ducks need water, we need Jesus. We need the Bible. We need church. Let’s not skip out and then wonder why we can’t seem to keep our minds and lives pure.