Building or destroying?

We love our puppy, but if she can find it, she will bite it, and if she can bite it, she will try to destroy it! The “epic battle” of Cleo versus the laundry hamper was hilarious to watch, and both survived🤣

2 Samuel‬ ‭9‬:‭1‬ ‭says, “And David said, Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may shew him kindness for Jonathan's sake?”


I love David’s heart. He’s now king and king Saul had been a horrible enemy who tried to kill him. Repeatedly. But despite that, David still wants to show kindness to Saul’s son Jonathan’s family, even though Jonathan is now gone as well. David showed similar consideration for Saul while he was alive and just after he died also.

David was looking for someone to be kind to, someone to build up, not someone to tear down. 

It shows a lot about David because he didn’t have to do it and because he’d get nothing in return. 

Instead of looking out for #1 (and convincing ourselves that we are #1), I wonder who we can we can be kind to today. A lot of people are either one kind word or one more discouragement away from a major decision. Let’s help them up so they can make a good one.