Not that far away!

Virginia friends, you get what a big deal this is: We can actually see Dollar General FROM OUR BACK YARD! It’s that little yellow speck in the corner. I ran there the other day to get something without even starting the car! Ok, not that big of a deal in the long run, but we did live a long way from ANY stores in Virginia, so the convenience of closer stores here in PA is kinda nice. 

One of my favorite quotes is, “God’s will is not distant but daily.”

Thankfully we don’t go to Dollar General every day, but we can all get busy serving God today and every day. 

It’s easy to think of God’s plan for our lives as distant, far away, an “eventually” kind of thing. But we most likely won’t serve God eventually if we don’t start now. 

Psalms 37:23 says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD:

and he delighteth in his way.” I hope we are obeying and following God one step at a time today. Otherwise we can fall miles behind where we should be and wonder how we ever got there. 

God has good things for us to be a part of today. Let’s get busy doing His will now and never put it off into the “eventually” part of our minds.