The risk of social media

235 comments. 235 opinions. Some of them good, some bad. Some helpful, some just hateful. I’m thankful to hear from different perspectives and want to reach everyone I can with the message of hope through Jesus. But I’m also thankful I’m not dependent on other people’s opinion of me. 

Job’s friends came to visit him after Job lost everything. They were a big help…until they started talking! They explained why they thought he’d sinned and brought all the tragedy on himself (which wasn’t true at all). The friends CLAIMED to be right; they claimed to speak the truth. 

God set them straight, but before that, Job expressed his opinion of what his friends had to say: 

Job 6:25 says, “How forcible are right words! but what doth your arguing reprove?”

Job 16:2b says, “miserable comforters are ye all.”

Thankfully Job continued to care more about God’s opinion than anyone else’s. 

The risk of social media is we might start caring more about what other people say than what God says. “Reality” can become nothing more than a popularity contest. People’s approval can start to mean more to us than anything else. 

Let’s make sure we always value God’s view of us more than anyone else’s. 

And let’s also make sure we keep God’s voice as the loudest influencing voice in our lives by spending time with Him each day.