Taking off the rough edges


Brooklyn got a rock tumbler for her birthday, and we were finally able to get it going. We’re excited to see the rocks with their rough edges smoothed off, but I didn’t realize it takes several DAYS of tumbling to get there! Getting rid of rough edges is never easy but always worth it. 

Job 30:25-26 says, “Did not I weep for him that was in trouble? was not my soul grieved for the poor? 26 When I looked for good, then evil came unto me: and when I waited for light, there came darkness.”

Job knew he wasn’t being punished for any sin he’d done. He knew a lot of good, kind, generous things he’d been doing for others and how he kept his heart pure and right. The key for Job was to keep going even before he saw blessing, to keep growing even before he could see the whole picture (which didn’t happen until he entered eternity). 

Job probably grew more through this time of testing and trusting than he had in the previous 10 years (just my opinion). It’s often when we faithfully continue even through confusing trials and situations that we grow the most. No matter what life looks like for each of us right now, I hope we’ll all keep going for God and keep growing. 

Don’t stop when it gets difficult. 

Let the rough edges get smoothed off.

Are we willing to “stay in the rock tumble even when we’ve done nothing wrong? Even when we don’t see what God is doing or why He’s allowing the trials? If so, amazing growth is possible.