Capillary action: Good enough for a little experiment with the girls as we watched the colored water get sucked up the paper towel, strong enough to carry liquid up the trunks of trees, and relevant enough to illustrate a good truth for our lives.
Gravity constantly pulls that liquid down, but capillary action can still draw it upward.
One of the biggest things that constantly tries to pull you and me down is pride.
We probably each have our own areas that tempt us to be arrogant and self-focused no matter how much or how little we have (I’ll admit that the struggle is sadly often real for me).
Obadiah 1 records a warning to the people of Edom that also applies to us today. Verse 3a says, “The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee,”
It’s amazing how deceitful pride is, how much our own pride can blind us to our own need.
Thankfully God offers a way for us to get back up.
Matthew 23:12 says, “And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.”
We can get up by first admitting we’re down. We can grow stronger through God by first admitting we’re weak. We can see God encourage us, lift us up, and use us…if we’ll get rid of our pride and stay humble. And that can start by every day admitting to God how much we need Him, how much we can’t do life without Him and don’t even want to try.