What does the light of Christmas point to?

I might not have an ugly Christmas sweater, but I do have this Christmas jacket, and now Jen found me a matching tie…with lights! Fun times to get to wear this kind of thing to church a couple times a year at Christmas. 

Lights are a common theme at Christmas (even when they aren’t on jackets and ties!) The angels appeared with bright light to the shepherds. The light from the star led the wisemen to Jesus. We put lights on the tree and even on our houses. And Jesus is the light of the world. 

Many people love the light of Christmas, the joy, the love, the family. But many people miss some of the best parts of the Christmas story. 

How often do we as Christians fail to share the whole story of Christmas (which includes WHY Jesus came)? The “accepted” or popular parts of the Christmas story are not the only parts that people need. 

Right there in the Christmas story, Luke 2:11 says, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Yes, it’s amazing that Jesus came as a baby in a manger. It’s comforting that He left heaven and came to a poor human family for you and me. But He also came to die on the cross for our sins, to be buried, and then to rise again in victory and to offer the free gift of salvation to all who believe in Him. 

Let’s remember and share the true story about the light of Christmas, the light of the world Jesus.