Easily one of the best things I did all day

I don’t know what your mornings look like, but for me it’s often a busy time of trying to think of everything I need to get done and then hustling to get it done in time. 

But the most important, prioritized, and treasured things we do should be for who and what matters most: God and family (and you don’t have to be related to be family). 

Luke 10:41-42 says “And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: 42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”

Martha wanted Mary to help right then with the housework instead of Mary spending time with Jesus. But while Jesus obviously values work and expect His followers to work, He helped Martha see what the main thing, the top priority was right then. 

Don’t miss the big picture, the big deals. They are often disguised as normal, everyday stuff. 

If we let the biggest blessings of the day and the most important moments just rush past us without even noticing, we might be successful in getting everything done and yet still fail at what matters most. 

It’s easy to “miss the forest for the trees” and to miss the important things in the rush of life. That’s why we need to keep the main things the main things. What are your top priorities? Are they the same as God’s top priorities?