Still hard work but a lot easier when you have someone to follow and fly with!
Geese amaze me as they migrate! From our backyard, we can see a lot of big, open sky and see and hear a lot of Geese Vs. Aerodynamics make it a lot easier to fly in a group than alone, and only the lead goose has to know the way.
Followers still work hard but are able to rest in many ways.
Matthew 4:19-20 says, “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. 20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.”
Jesus’ 12 disciples quickly gave up their livelihood and followed the Lord. But that opportunity is not limited to just them 2000 years ago. We can all follow Jesus and know we are going the right way no matter what happens.
Followers don’t have to worry about obstacles up ahead.
Followers don’t have to worry about the direction or the speed or how long they fly. As long as the leader knows where they’re going and what’s best for them, they can enjoy the flight.
We ain’t geese, but I hope we are Jesus followers! It sure makes life a lot easier and peace and rest a lot more possible.