July 4th fireworks in Washington D.C.! We got to sit between the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument, and it was quite a show! But I’ll admit that the jostling crowds as we worked out way back to the Metro made me think that maybe once in a lifetime can be enough for some things!
Luke 23:42-43 says, “And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. 43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” A once-in-a-lifetime moment with Jesus is all it takes to get saved, but a moment can never be enough to thank Jesus for His sacrifice. That thief on the cross come to Jesus, got saved, and then went into eternity almost immediately. But Jesus has most of us stick around on earth a little while longer than that after we get saved. Once in a lifetime is enough to come to Jesus, but then God usually chooses to leave His followers on earth to serve Him and tell others about Him for the rest of their lifetime.
Have you had your once-in-a-lifetime moment of coming to Jesus? Mine wasn’t nearly as dramatic as that thief’s, but it changed my eternal destination and gave me new life just as much! If you’ve come to Jesus, are you helping others get that chance too?
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