One Force Is Strong Enough

Addison wanted to do an experiment with glitter sticking to a balloon. We added a little extra fun with the balloon also pulling up some of the girls’ hair (and they even got the balloon to stick to the ceiling!). When you rub a balloon on your hair, the force of the static electricity will pull some stuff to it, but there are much stronger forces that can draw us to do much bigger things (and no, I’m not talking about Star Wars!😆). 

John 12:32 says, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” Jesus was lifted up between heaven and earth on the cross as He paid for our sins and earned salvation for us, and He wants everyone to trust Him as Savior. 

Each of us has the opportunity every day to lift Jesus up, to show everyone around us that He’s our top priority, the One we live for. If we lift Him up, He will use us to draw those around us to Himself. We can be an amazing advertisement for our great Savior simply by showing that He’s the best and that He faced the worst for us. 

We might think someone in our lives could NEVER get saved, that they’re too far gone, too sinful, or too stubborn. But Jesus is stronger. If we wanna see people come to Jesus, let’s lift Jesus up and let Him do the “heavy lifting” of drawing people to Himself.   

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