Can You Tell What We’ve Been Up to?

Probably pretty obvious that the girls and I did a color run! We had a great time and got to support a good cause. Most of the chalk washed off easily, but it was probably clear where we’d been for the rest of the day.  And so often, people can tell what we’ve been up to even when we aren’t covered in chalk dust from a color run. 

The decisions you make make you, and where we go and what we choose to fill our lives with show up all over us. That’s one of the main reasons why we want our girls in church every service: We want God and the Bible to show up all over their lives! In Galatians 6:17b, the Apostle Paul says, “I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” 

Hopefully we never have to bear literal, physical marks of persecution and harm for following Jesus like Paul did, but I hope our faith is proudly displayed all over our lives. 

I’m not saying each of us is supposed to be some world-famous superstar Christian, but I am saying that our faith should be showing up. As my friend said during the color run, “God calls us all to run the race, but that doesn’t mean we have to be in first place.” Let’s faithfully live out our love for God each day and allow God to use our testimony as He chooses. 

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