I’ve always admired professional dog walkers who can keep control of a bunch of leashed dogs at once…without them getting tangled up! Our dogs get to run free most of the time when they’re outside with us, so they aren’t too used to being on leashes, and, like a lot of times in our lives, it’s easy to get tangled up if we aren’t careful.
2 Timothy 2:4 says, “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” If we’re going to be as effective as possible for our Savior, we need to keep ourselves free from the traps of less-important things all around us. Some of those things aren’t sinful, but they sure are distracting and can definitely tangle us up!
Whether it’s wrong priorities, wrong motives, or just plain sin that tries to tangle you up, don’t let your higher calling get brought down low by stuff that won’t even matter for eternity. Thankfully Jesus offers hope and freedom: Is there anything you need to ask Him to untangle you from today?
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