Have you ever wondered how all the animals could fit on the ark? As great as kids crafts are, they aren’t always completely accurate or made to exact scale! If you look at the number of animals Noah needed on the ark and the actual size of the ark, there was plenty of room. Maybe your question isn’t about God fitting animals on a boat but God giving you the strength to fit everything into your day, week, year, or even your lifetime. Nothing is too big or too hard for our God! If we look at the size of our God, the size of the tasks in front of us get a whole lot smaller and we can step into what’s next confident that God sees, God cares, and God is able to make it all fit.
Corrie ten Boom said, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” She faced some huge challenges in a Nazi death camp, but God was always bigger. Psalms 147:5 says, “Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.” As life hits us from all directions and stress levels go sky-high sometimes, let’s remember Who God is and what He’s already done. The God Who kept all of those animals safe along with Noah and his family during the global flood is exactly Who we need to keep us afloat through our daily lives as well.
To learn how you can begin a relationship with Jesus, check out whatdoUwonder com