Some Things Just Don’t Belong…But Others Do

Sometimes the toughest part is knowing whether something new is good or bad! When Boots (our cat) first met Brinkley (our new pup), he hissed and ran away! Since then, they’ve had some face-to-face meetings and both seem curious about each other. I think they’re still making up their minds about whether the other one is good or bad.😆 

We all need to make decisions about whether new things are good for us or not. 1 John 4:1 says, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” A lot of things try to get in our heads and affect us, but they don’t all belong. There are people, music, movies, and other influences that are obviously good and many others that are obviously bad. And unfortunately some things aren’t very obvious. The trick is to carefully figure out which is which. 

Do you watch anything that comes on TV or do you test that influence to see if it’s good for you? If a song is popular with the world is it automatically popular with you?

We don’t need some cartoon angel and demon on our shoulders telling us what to do. We just need to listen to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit inside us. He will never lead us wrong, and He loves to show us the best influences for our lives. 

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