Which Is Better: Book Learning or Hands-on Learning?

Hands-on versus book learning: physics book and tool belt

Would you rather learn by reading or by doing? Does your ideal “classroom” have rows of desks or workstations where you’re constantly doing something as you learn? Or is on-the-job training the best for you? Some people call it book smart versus street smart (feel free to say which you think describes me more…probably obvious if you know me well 🧮). There are different ways to learn and all of them have their place. I would say that all learning is great…as long as we’re learning good things AND using what we learn in the right ways. 

James 1:22 says, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

We need to constantly learn from the Book (the Bible) and always make sure we actively live it out in practical, hands-on ways. 

We also need to always be learning more about Jesus because all the rest of the knowledge in the universe won’t do us any eternal good otherwise. Proverbs 1:7 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” When we constantly learn more about Jesus and do our best to live more like Him, we can use all of our other knowledge in the right ways and for the right purposes. 

It’s possible to become successful academically or in a career and yet completely miss what matters most. But when we make Jesus the foundation of everything we know and everything we do, everything fits in just the right place.

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