Chuck Norris Sneezed! At Least That’s the First Caption I Thought of!


On a recent hike, we saw this bent railing and tried to figure out what happened. I personally think my Chuck Norris joke is funny and a reasonable possibility.😏 I mean had Chuck actually leaned there and then sneezed, a jerk of his arm could have easily bent the thing, right?!? All jokes aside, thankfully for real-life issues we don’t have to count on human strength alone to carry us through.

In 2 Chronicles 32, the mighty Assyrian army attacked Judah and was so intimidating that King Hezekiah initially tried to buy them off with tribute money but then decided to trust God for the coming battle. Verse 8 shows his faith in God as the king of Assyria came: “With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles. And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.” He didn’t have to count on human strength! Unfortunately, people will let us down…often! And if we’re honest, I’m sure we all let other people down sometimes too. But God never fails…never. So where do you look for hope and help? Who are you counting on most? 

Psalms 108:12 says, “Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man.” We all face a lot of God-sized challenges that even Chuck Norris couldn’t help us with. And that’s OK as long as we look to God for help. That also means we should keep living for God no matter who else lets us down. Never give up on God when a person fails you. It’s much better to trust the One Who has a perfect track record and has never let us down.

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