That’s Ironic…or Meant to Be!

tumble dryer sheets at the bottom of stairs

I heard something (or someone) fall down the stairs and was relieved to find out it was only a box of dryer sheets! But with a name like “tumble” it seems inevitable! Thankfully the plans God has for you are a whole lot better (and less clumsy) than that, but still, it’s awesome to get to spend our lives doing what we are made to do.

The first half of Proverbs 16:4 says, “The LORD hath made all things for himself.” God uses teachers, tech people, and people who will simply grab a coffee and listen to someone pour their heart out. He uses kids workers and people who can’t stand kids but can build stuff. He wants to use all of us to impact people all around us. 

The full verse says, “The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.” If God can accomplish something even through the lives of the wicked, imagine what He will do through you and me if we’ll simply let Him use us!  AND we’ll get to enjoy living for His purposes as a part of our relationship with Him!

With a name like TUMBLE that box was meant to fall down the stairs, and with talents, purpose, and a calling like yours, you’re meant to do some amazing things for God! 

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