Several things are clear from this picture: I’m a very blessed man with a beautiful wife and daughters, I’m not good at deleting old reminders, and all of our to do lists can very easily get very long.
Life gets busy and can become overwhelming, but it really comes down to a daily choice: Do I want to accomplish only what I can do ON MY OWN or do I want to see what GOD wants to do for me and through me?
Noah had a HUGE to-do list between preparing the ark and gathering all of those animals before the global flood, but Genesis 6:20 gives a hint of how he was able to do it all: “Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort SHALL COME UNTO THEE, to keep them alive” (emphasis added).
Some mock the idea that NOAH could ever build a huge ark and load it with all of those animals, but it was God, not Noah, who ultimately made it happen. Let’s never limit a miracle working God to just what seems possible to us.
Sometimes God will call us to do the impossible, but it’s been said that “where God guides He provides.”
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