How Do You Like Your Pancakes?


The girls both like pancakes with chocolate chips cooked in. Addison likes peanut butter on top, and Brooklyn likes maple syrup to dip them in. Jen and I like to eat our pancakes with our family…and a little maple syrup too! No matter how you like your pancakes, there’s one key “ingredient” needed to make them right: patience. Have you ever bitten into an undercooked pancake that was still gooey in the middle?🤢 Good pancakes take time…and so do most worthwhile things in life. 

Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” A lot of people are looking for the right person to date or marry, the right college, or the right job opening. Others are wondering how to save their marriage, how to regain the hearts of their children, or how to just keep going in a tough situation. While specific situations often require specific solutions, one key ingredient is patience: consistently doing right, seeking God’s help day after day, and waiting on the results that only He can bring. 

If it’s important, it’s worth waiting for. If it matters, it’s worth sticking it out, patiently waiting for God to improve the situation.

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