Last week a lot of work went into decorating and setting up the tent for vacation Bible school, and it sure is rewarding to see kids and teens enjoying our efforts and having fun learning more about Jesus and the Bible each night.
Sometimes we work and work but never seem to see the benefits from that work (and sometimes we put effort into the wrong things and probably don’t even WANT to see the results!), but good work brings good results, whether they come immediately or long-term. Psalms 126:6 says, “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” Sometimes the work we do for Jesus gets difficult and even involves some deep sadness, but spreading the most important “seed” ever, the Gospel and the Word of God, is worth it when we see people’s lives changed. And sometimes the secret to keeping going for Jesus is to remember that our work for Him has a reward whether we see it right away or not. Let’s keep telling everyone we can about Jesus, the only One Who offers genuine salvation to everyone who comes to Him.
Check out another fun post about fruit: When Life Gives You Lemons…
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