Do We Really Need Fences?

A lot of our property is surrounded by fences. We could be insulted by those boundaries, but we know our neighbors well enough to know that they put them up to help. The fences keep our dog on her side and the farm animals on their side and make it really easy for our girls and others to see how far they can go on the property.


It’s easy to get upset with God for putting up “fences,” but when we get to know the God Who set those rules, we realize boundaries are there to help us, not keep us away from Him or the best things life has to offer. Genesis 2:16-17 says, “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” In the beginning, God set one simple boundary and gave Adam and Eve the opportunity to enjoy all the GOOD of the Garden of Eden, the choice to avoid the BAD, and the privilege of enjoying a perfect relationship with Him if they stayed inside the boundary. That rule was for their good, and all of the “fences” God has set up since that time are for our good as well.

I’m sure it’s easy to see the need for Bible rules like “Thou shalt not kill” or “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” but every rule God has given us is good even if it’s harder to fully understand them sometimes. Whether it’s the Bible’s clear teaching on marriage, the principle that we are to love even our enemies, some Bible rule that’s popular today, or something that most people reject today, all of God’s boundaries are for our good.


If you ever struggle to understand the “why” behind a rule or principle in the Bible, trust the “Who” behind the rule. 

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