Remember the Real Remedy


Anyone else struggling with allergies? Has your car turned yellow from all that pollen?!? I’ve dealt with a stuffy nose and a cough for the last couple weeks. Allegra and nasal spray haven’t really helped, but then the other day Jen offered me some local honey, a remedy that helps me every year but somehow I easily forget. And just like that my allergy symptoms are much better!

Different things work for different people, but for me Allegra only temporarily knocks the symptoms back; local honey is what I need to get rid of the allergies for good. Choosing the real remedy really helps! 

We need to remember the real remedy for our deeper needs as well. It’s Passion Week, and I love that it starts with remembering the people who worshiped Jesus as He rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. It’s tragic that by Friday those same worshippers had turned against Jesus, calling for Him to be crucified! A lot of it came down to the fact that they were looking for the wrong kind of remedy. They were THRILLED for King Jesus to come riding into Jerusalem, thinking He would immediately overthrow the Roman oppressors and take away their temporary problems, but Jesus had a bigger plan: He came to offer eternal salvation from sin and hell, not just a remedy that would only last a short time. That’s why He willingly chose to die for us. 

We definitely should pray for temporary financial needs, healing for a sickness, and help through a tough situation, but we should also pray for and focus on the eternal needs all around us. People need a chance to meet Jesus and receive the eternal hope that only He can give them! If you’ve never accepted Jesus as your Savior, today’s a great day to make that decision, and I’d love to tell you more about His offer to save you!

As Christians, the right solution isn’t always for Jesus to eliminate the temporary problems we face either. Often Jesus does something even bigger: He goes through the storm with us, helps us grow through it, and brings eternal good out of it. 

If I never got the real remedy for my allergies, I’d still be struggling, and we will all struggle through life unless we turn to Jesus, the real remedy for our eternal need and our daily strength. 

If you're in a crazy time right now and just need a pause, check this encouraging post out!

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